How to make the most of our compostable bags: A Step-by-Step guide

In an era where sustainability is becoming increasingly paramount, every small action contributes to a larger, more environmentally friendly future. At Bemo, we are committed to offering solutions that align with our planet's well-being. One such solution is the use of r3pack compostable bags, designed to reduce waste and promote circularity.

Understanding the circular economy: A path to a sustainable future

Circular economy, a term gaining traction in environmental discourse, refers to a regenerative system where resources are kept in use for as long as possible, with maximum value extracted during each use, and at the end of their service life, materials are reused, regenerated, or recycled to create new products or services. This concept ensures a more efficient and sustainable use of resources, minimising waste and environmental impact.

According to a study by New Zealand Post, utilising rLDPE (the material used in our compostable bags) contributes to a circular economy by repurposing plastics that would otherwise end up in landfills. Moreover, our wrapping paper and Bemo boxes are fully recyclable, furthering our commitment to circularity.

Step-by-Step guide to using our compostable bags:

  1. Choose the Right Bin: Ensure you have a designated compost bin for organic waste in your kitchen or backyard.
  2. Line the Bin: Place one of our compostable bags inside the bin. The bags are sturdy and leak-proof, ideal for containing food scraps and organic waste.
  3. Fill with Organic Waste: As you go about your daily cooking or gardening activities, collect organic waste such as fruit and vegetable peels, coffee grounds, eggshells, and plant trimmings. Deposit them into the lined compost bin.
  4. Seal and Store: Once the bag is full, tie it securely to prevent any spills or odours. Store it in a cool, dry place until it's time to compost.
  5. Composting: When the bag is full and ready for composting, follow your local guidelines for composting. If you're composting at home, simply add the bag, along with its contents, to your compost pile or bin.
  6. Monitor and Maintain: Regularly turn your compost pile to aerate it and facilitate decomposition. Within a few weeks to several months, depending on conditions, your compost will transform into nutrient-rich soil amendment ready for use in your garden!

Recycling made easy

Our commitment to sustainability extends beyond compostable bags. The paper wrapping that protect your items are made from recycled content and certified by the Forestry Stewardship Council (FSC), are 100% recyclable. Whether through local curb side collection or designated recycling points, these can be recycled to give them new life, reducing the need for virgin materials and minimising waste.


At Bemo, we believe in taking proactive steps towards a more sustainable future. By choosing us as your natural health provider, you're not only making an eco-conscious choice but also contributing to the larger goal of creating a circular economy. Supporting us and the brands we work with that prioritise sustainability amplifies all our impacts and paves the way for a healthier planet.

For more information on composting and recycling, visit r3pack and NZ Waste Management.


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